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( Anzahl der Produkte: 16 )

Where durability and flexibility are essential 

Spectrum S-Flex 90A is a filament designed for 3D printing, which enables you to manufacture flexible items in a much simpler way than with other materials of this type. The appropriate composition of the material provides for good adhesion both between layers and between the printed item and the build platform. 

Due to the resistance to hydrocarbons and good lamination between layers, S-Flex 90A allows manufacturing of sealing items that need to be resistant to any operating fluid ensuring the best tightness possible. Parts made of this material can be used as energy absorbers, i.e., all kinds of bumpers or vibration dampers.  

In addition to the above-mentioned properties, S-Flex 90A material is also characterized by good resistance to UV radiation and high resistance to aging. Flexible filament S-Flex 90A shows resistance to weak and diluted acids and bases. 
